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A Realtor's Sales Script

Updated: Jan 27, 2020

When verbally approaching prospects, it’s always a good idea to have a notion of what you’d like to discuss. However, you never want to read directly from a script as that can come across too “sales-y” or flat-out unnatural.

Here’s an example of an effective sales script (highlighted in the book, Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount):

Salesperson: (use their name) “Hi, Julie.”

Salesperson: (identify yourself) “My name is Jeb Blount and I’m with Sales Gravy.”

Salesperson: (the reason you’re calling) “The Reason I’m calling is to set-up an appointment with you.”

Salesperson: (give them a because) “I just read an article online that said your company is going to add 200 new sales positions over the next year. Several companies in your industry are already using Sales Gravy exclusively for sourcing sales candidates and they are very happy with the results we are delivering.”

Salesperson: (ask for what you want, then shut-up) “I thought the best place to start is to schedule a short meeting to learn about your sales recruiting challenges and goals. How about we meet Wednesday afternoon around 3:00 PM?”

So what guidelines should be followed to ensure that a Realtor can craft an effective sales script? Well, the above Sales Script is a good start; But below are some in-depth steps you can take to close the deal.

Step 1: Know & introduce yourself and your real estate services. As a Realtor, you will be forming a special relationship with your client. So, when speaking with a prospect, it’s imperative that they get an idea of who you are as a person and what you’re capable of doing to help them. Your knowledge of the industry compounded with positive aspects of your personality can help you gain traction and clients.

Step 2: Know your audience (and make sure they’re the right one). Understanding your prospects’ needs is key to landing a client. If you’re an agent that specializes in buying, you definitely want to target prospects that have shown interest in such or approach someone who is currently renting who may not understand that it's possible for them to save money by owning a home.

Step 3: Talk about problems buyers/sellers are facing. Pinpoint issues that may be currently affecting your prospect. Is it a niche problem? (IE Perhaps they’re a buyer dealing with closing issues on an estate owned house?) Or perhaps it’s a common issue? (IE Many people are intimidated by home buying because they feel they’re not fiscally qualified.)

Step 4: Discuss how you can solve their problems.

Rid them of their problems with solutions provided by YOU (and your services). What knowledge, tips or service can you supply them that will alleviate their stress and show them the light at the end of the tunnel? Let’s take one of the examples above:

Problem: Many people are intimidated by home buying because they feel they’re not fiscally qualified.

Your Solution: We can tell you about a 10K grant program that will allow you to purchase a home for less than $1,000 down! If you’d like to find out if you qualify, we can set-up a more in-depth call (or an in-person meeting) to discuss this further.

Step 5: Ask questions to the prospects About What Issues They’re Facing?

Although you may want to save more questions for the “in-depth” meeting/call, it doesn’t hurt to get a better and more specific idea of their situation by asking more probing questions. Perhaps their credit isn’t up to par (in addition to their fear of not having enough money). Or maybe they believe in the 20% myth? No matter what the underlying issues are, it will better help you comprehend whether or not you’re a fit to help.

Step 6: Keep the talk on your end to a minimum.

Remember, the focus should be on them; If you try too hard to sell yourself you’ll scare them away (Not to mention it can be rather boring listening to someone brag about themselves.). You also want to show empathy and care for their particular situation as this will demonstrate positive characteristics about yourself and it’ll demonstrate your passion for the real estate industry.

Step 7: When closing, lead them to the next step (to gain their business).

Before ending the call, you want to lead them to water; What’s the next step to gain their business? Perhaps you can offer to schedule a more in-depth call with them? Set-up an in-person meeting to see how you can assist them further? Let them know you enjoyed speaking with them and you’d love to talk with them further to see how your services can benefit them.

We hope you found this read insightful! Want to work with a supportive team of professionals? Need to reach more quality leads and build a better career for yourself?

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