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Social Media Do's & Don'ts

Updated: Jan 27, 2020

Due to modern digitization, it’s almost impossible to gain business traction without social media presence. Social Media Marketing can be a powerful tool- if one uses it wisely. So how does one utilize it for the better and avoid mistakes that could potentially harm their brand? Good question! First, let’s understand why people go to social media in the first place and how this can be applied...

People Go To Social Media To...

3 things:


Social Media is a massive networking pool. It’s networking for social reasons, marketing strategies, professional purposes and so much more. This is your chance, as a business professional, to connect with potential clients.

Engage So now you’ve connected… Now you can actually communicate! (Aka, “engage with your connections”) So reach out! Perhaps you can fulfill someone’s home buying needs and build your business!

Learn Social media is not only a powerful connecting tool but a powerful learning tool. So start out your career with a bang by offering a free gift to your users; your knowledge! Share your home buying & real estate tips with your network and build your voice as a realtor who’s knowledgable and passionate about their business!

If you can use provide users with these 3 experiences on social media, while simultaneously slipping in who you are and your Realtor services, you may successfully land clients and create your own unique voice.

Marketing Mistakes:

Please try to avoid the following Realtor, commonly made, Marketing mistakes:

Selling Your Services: Please don’t come-out swinging immediately upon entering the ring. The client is not your opponent- so don’t create one! You want to build trusting friendship by offering knowledge and help- for free! The money can come later.

Targeting Everyone: Don’t waste your time (and other peoples’ time) by trying to lure-in everyone (let’s face it, EVERYONE is not your target audience). You want to be specific and actually help those who can use your help.

Asking vs. Giving: It’s better to give than to receive. This is always true. You catch more flies with honey so be generous and always give more then you ask (and when it comes time to ask, you’ll be more likely to receive.).

Overcomplicating the Process:

Keep it simple! Everyone’s busy and the information should be concise and easy to digest.

Not Providing Value: There should always be value contained within your services and yourself (in regards to your relationship to the consumer); If there isn’t then you shouldn’t be absorbing their time and yours. The bond should be mutual; You are passionate and knowledgeable about helping them and in turn, you stand to make a profit.

Not Creating Familiarity:

Establishing familiarity is especially crucial once you begin an email campaign with your target consumer. You want to figure out the best times and amount of times to reach out using the best and more personalized content possible. You want to form a connection using a direct message to them that will strategize how you plan to help them on their real estate journey.

Hope this information has guided you in the right direction! Want to have a friendly team of marketing experts assists you during the Realtor process? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of homebuyers? Are you ready for a change and to work with a better Trusting Mortgage Company? If so, then we want to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to us here.

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